There are many causes of the gained body saggy skin. The main causes are connected to genetic factors and aging related ones and other are witnessed in the great loss of excess weight. Regardless of the cause of your sagging arms, there are many things to consider before deciding to have an arm lift or arm reduction treatment.

Furthermore, some people may do exercises to get rid of sagging arms, but these exercises only strengthen the muscles without affecting the sagging skin which has lost its elasticity. Arm lift reduces the pockets of fat in the upper arm region that droops downward localizing between the armpit and the elbow that are impossible to tone with traditional ways.
Arm Reduction Treatment

Laser Arm Lift
In some minor cases of arms lift,doctors use the laser arm lift treatment or invisible arm lift to remove the excess fat in arms without performing any surgical procedure. The laser technology used to treat arm tuck does not remove fat cells, but it works to reduce their size by stimulating the secretion of fatty acids, water, and glycerin that are excreted by the body later. Laser arm reduction treatment session takes approximately one hour with the need for more sessions to get the best results.
Surgical Arm Lift

As any plastic surgery on arms ,The surgeon begins this arm fat removal surgery by placing marks on the arms to create incisions. The locations of the incisions vary from surgeon to another according to the required case, but the most common ones are usually made on the front or back side of the arm.
Other options in this arm skin surgery include an incision in the armpit or an incision that extends from the elbow to the armpit.
After that, the patient undergoes either local or general anesthesia depending on the patient’s physical condition and medical history.
Following this step, the surgeon tightens or reshapes the muscle tissue in the upper arm, completely removes the excess fat and sagging skin, and finally hides the wounds cosmetically so that the surgical scars become invisible. Liposuction might be also performed using a thin tube to remove free fluid fat, in case it is found. New arm lift procedure usually takes about two to three hours.

Surgical arm lift of its upper arm reduction or under arm lift may be your best choice to get rid of unpleasant sagging arms. However, consulting with an expert doctor can keep you safe due to the fact that such surgeries are not suitable for all patients desiring to have arm lift treatment that may, in some cases, lead to future physical problems.
Therefore, to get tight and fine-looking arms, it is worth knowing that Healing Clinic team is ready to provide you with proper assistance and advice at any time.
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