Many people who are interested in the field of hair transplantation are looking for the best hair transplant techniques that they can benefit from when they decide to undergo the transplantation procedure, but what those who are looking into the matter do not know is that all the techniques used in this field have many advantages, and it cannot be assured that one is better than The other. Therefore, we will show you in this article the best hair transplant techniques, and we will give you the most important things and qualities that you should know about each technique before choosing it for a hair transplant surgery
Classic Surgical Technique of Hair Transplant Surgery , FUT

The classic surgical technique of hair transplant surgery , or as it is called ” Follicular Unit Transplantation “, is the traditional way of hair transplantation surgeries .
This method was discovered in 1995 but it developed drastically until the year 2000. The technique is a surgical procedure that needs general anesthesia where a strip of skin with a length of up to 7 cm and a width of approximately 2 cm is taken from the scalp. The number of follicles is not fixed in this technique, because it depends on the follicles in the strip of skin that was taken.
The permanent scar that the surgery leaves in the back of the head is one of the most significant disadvantages that can occur…Read More
Hair Transplantation Surgery with the Extraction Technique, FUE

The extraction technique , or as it is called ” Follicular Unit Extraction “, is not considered one of the most modern hair transplantation techniques , but it is certainly one of the techniques that is in constant development. And in the FUE method, the follicle is extracted from the donor area by a specific tool. The beauty of this technique is that it does not cause wounds or scars in the donor area, moreover, it is performed under local anesthesia and does not require general anesthesia.
In the FUE technique , each hair is taken separately, saved appropriately and then transplanted into the needed places of the head…Read More
Hair Transplantation Surgery with Choi Pens Technique ” DHI “

In the field of hair transplantation , Choi Pens ” Direct Hair Implantation ” are relatively the newest option, because the technique of Choi Pens for hair transplantation is a fast, appropriate and effective technique particularly for intensification surgeries , especially as it can be done without shaving the head hair in many cases, which makes the technique very suitable for female hair transplantation .
Through this technique, the follicles are extracted with a specific tool, saved appropriately, and then immediately implanted, taking into account the angle and depth without the need to open channels as in the previous techniques. This is done by a tool that is basically hollow needles, and of course, the patient is under local anesthesia during the surgery…Read More
Hair Transplant Surgery with the Sapphire Technique
The Sapphire technique for hair transplantation is very similar to the FUE technique , and it is considered the newer face of the FUE hair transplantation technique , but what distinguishes it from the FUE technique is the speed in opening the channels. This technique is characterized by the tool that implants the follicles which has a head made of the Sapphire stone that is considered a gemstone. And what distinguishes the sapphire FUE technique is that the wounds heal quickly after the surgery because the sapphire’s stone does not leave skin irritations when transplanting .
This technique depends on taking the follicles from the donor area, and then using the sapphire device , channels are opened in a well-studied and specific depth for the follicles to be implanted in them, which reduces the many complications that may occur after the surgery…Read More

Hair Transplantation Surgery with the Extraction of Body Hair, BHT
It is the same as the ” Follicular unit extraction ” technique that we talked about, but what differs is that this surgery does not depend on considering the head as the only donor area from which hair can be obtained. Rather, body hair can also be used if possible, and this is done after the doctor inspects the body hair to make the decision whether or not to use body hair follicles to implant them in the balding area.
Also, the follicles in the BHT hair transplant surgery are implanted using several techniques, such as the DHI Technique or even the Sapphire technique …Read More

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