Hair transplant

An Overview of the Choi Pens Technique for Hair Transplant

This technique is also known as Direct Hair Implantation , and it is one of the most modern hair transplantation techniques, as it uses a tool that takes the form of a pen with a sharp, hollow end of a diameter not exceeding 1 mm, known as a “Choi pen”. During which the hair follicles are extracted using a micro-motor from the donor area and placed in a special liquid to be prepared for transplantation , then they are placed in the Choi implanter pens and directly implanted in the areas of baldness and thinning hair, needless to make deep wounds in the scalp.

Procedures followed in Hair Transplant with Choi implanter pens:

At first the hair is shaved only in the donor area and the scalp is sedated in preparation for the surgery, then the specialist extracts the follicles and transfers them to a special liquid, and after the extraction process is done, these follicles are placed inside the hollow needle at the end of the hair implanter pen one by one and it is given to the specialist doctor who, in turn, inserts the needle containing the follicles into the scalp at a specific and precise angle, then the follicles enter, and the hair begins to grow.
The time for hair transplantation with DHI Choi pens technique is less than other hair transplantation surgeries, as two stages are combined into one stage, and the scars resulting from the surgery are light, in addition to that we do not need to shave the hair in the receiving area. And one of the advantages of this technique is that It also gives hair density, but being one of the latest hair transplant techniques, specialists and technicians must be experienced as well as professional.

Side Effects of DHI Choi Pen technique :

Choi implanter pens technique for hair transplant does not cause serious complications, as it is safe and does not need to cut a large strip of skin from the scalp, but the patient may show a reaction like any surgery that the patient may undergo with local anesthesia. In addition, partial or complete hair loss may occur after two months of the pen choi surgery, with the follicles remaining in place, to return producing completely new hair after that. In general, it is considered a safe procedure that does not cause any kind of serious side effects that are rumored about, and this surgery may take up to 12 months to give the required results.

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