An overview of the Follicular Unit Extraction Technique

The FUE technique hair transplant was discovered in Japan in 1988, and it is one of the latest methods of non-surgical hair transplantation.
In this technique, the follicles are extracted individually from the donor area using a micro motor device that contains a needle with a diameter ranging from 0.7 to 1 mm. A circular hole at a certain depth is made in the skin, which frees the grafts from the surrounding skin. Then the grafts are extracted from the donor area and placed in a reserving liquid and kept until they are implanted. This technique of hair follicles transplant without surgery is one of the latest techniques of the types of hair transplant and has witnessed excellent success, as it gives a completely natural result, especially if the goal of the surgery is to intensify hair. In addition, it does not leave scars behind, and it is possible to transplant approximately 4000 to 6000 follicles in one session.

Procedures Followed in the fue technique hair transplant

In the FUE hair transplantation surgery, the doctor determines the donor and receiving area, and the donor area may be completely or partially shaved, then locally anesthetized. After that the extraction procedure is done using a “micro motor” device, and the number of units extracted in one day ranges between 4000 and 6000 on average, and this number varies from person to person according to the density of the donor area. After the extraction, the units are kept in a special liquid and they must be kept moist and at an ideal temperature.

Then, the receiving area is also anesthetized and the channels are opened using special tools to place the follicles in them, afterwards, the follicles are implanted in the bald areas one by one in a process that takes from 5 to 8 hours, taking into account the direction of the hair and the pattern of its density. After the surgery and between the third and sixth week, the transplanted hair falls out, leaving its roots in the scalp, thus, new hair grows 3 to 4 months after the procedure and this hair is not subject to fall. After 12 months of the surgery we will have obtained permanent hair as we desired .

Benefits of FUE Hair Transplantation :

It shows a natural appearance, and the main benefit of this technique is that there is no scarring on the donor area, thus allowing people to cut their hair freely, and the small holes heal within 24 hours. The surgery is considered painless and can be repeated.

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