Obesity is one of the most common health problems around the globe. It has been witnessed due to the change of our lifestyle resulting in the widespread of fatty fast food. Moreover, obesity is linked to many diseases that can be treated through weight loss, such as diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and others.
Furthermore, there are many cosmetic procedures tackling losing weight, such as gastric banding procedure that is considered one of the most important solutions among all procedures in this regard as it depends on placing a band around the upper part of the stomach to reduce the amount of food that patients eat, control their appetite, and give them an early feeling of fullness or satiety.

Gastric Banding Procedure
Surgical Process and Results
Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding starts with creating a small incision near the patient’s naval to insert a small endoscope that contains a camera which enables examining the digestive system clearly. After that, a ligament is inserted and placed around the top of the stomach dividing it into two parts, a small part at its beginning and a larger one at the end. Finally, the incision is closed by the surgeon cosmetically.

After undergoing the operation, the upper part of the patient’s stomach is filled as soon as he or she eats a small amount of food allowing the stomach to send a message to the brain of being completely full, consequently, the patient feels less hungry. Moreover, the amount of food the patient consumes gradually decreases, resulting in losing weight over time. Furthermore, some clinical studies have shown that patients having undergone laparoscopic gastric banding experienced noticeable improvements as in spending more time doing physical activities, increasing their energy, and having more self-confidence as they felt their bodies were getting lighter and slimmer.

Removal gastric banding procedure
Unlike some other complex plastic surgeries, gastric band operation does not require removing any part of the stomach. Additionally, the gastric band can be adjusted or modified by increasing its size or emptying it without performing any complex surgical procedure; however, the patient’s health condition and the doctor’s recommendations are considered decisive factors in this regard. The gastric band can also be removed easily by a simple laparoscopy allowing the stomach to return to its normal size or shape before undergoing the gastric banding operation.

Many of lap band procedure results have proven that it is a safe and useful procedure for many patients with only few post-operative symptoms, such as feeling nausea, vomiting, and some others that their severity gradually decreases with the help of some prescribed medicines.
It is also worth noting that doctors of Healing Clinic are always ready to help you have a lot of awareness of this procedure in order to avoid critical complications and get the best results.
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