Hair transplant

Hair loss and hair transplant operations

Hair is considered the essential element that highlights beauty features in both men and women. Though many people don’t notice it, but the normal person loses more than 100 hairs daily and the number might reach almost 200 if the person didn’t pay attention to the issue and started handling it.
Hair loss is caused by many factors, they might be psychological, genetic or due to a hormonal disorder. Therefore, in some societies, the percentage of baldness may reach more than 30% for men at the age of thirty, and for women, hair loss is in a higher percentage.
Even though baldness was a huge problem in the past that didn’t have any solutions other than wearing a wig or the exhausting hair care that gave no results unless the person knew the exact reason behind the hair loss. Today, this issue has become an easy one that can be solved in a short time through the significant scientific and medical development field regarding hair transplant operations.

Hair transplantation might not be favorable for some people as a result of the rumors about the alleged disadvantages of hair transplantation and the typical image they have of the hair transplantation surgery that comes to their minds as soon as the subject is mentioned. However, the massive improvement in this field made it easy and available to everyone to get a beautiful hair and a remarkable look with the lowest possible cost and within a short time.
Thousands of people are even traveling abroad to get the best possible hair transplant surgery which came to be called transplant tourism.Hereafter, we will introduce you to the types of hair transplantation surgeries, which is the first step that will bring back your special look that you have been missing since the hair loss started.

Hair Transplantation Surgeries for Men

Men Hair Transplant Operations

Male hair transplant surgeries are divided to two parts, the first part is head hair transplant which is considered by many people as the most important and that’s because men head hair is one of the main factors that give a great deal of confidence for a man.
Despite the fact that baldness is regarded as a big problem, which does not, as is common, give a specific kind of attractiveness for men, it is a wrong assumption that men do not care about the matter. Many things cause men’s hair loss, but the genetic factor
the psychological disorders and the increase in the testosterone hormone are the most significant.

That is because stress causes sleep and eating disorders, which increases the levels of the blood pressure hormone causing the hair loss. The successful head hair transplant surgery for men can be done by the age 22, but a medical consultation is required before doing the surgery.

The second part is beard transplant for men which is also considered very common and important for many people, whereas a lot of people link between a man’s strong and manly appearance and a full beard. Therefore, many men, who suffer a lack of beard hair whether it is caused by genetic or hormonal reasons, resort to beard transplant surgeries which is considered the best solution to get the desired result in a relatively short period…Read More

Hair Transplantation Surgeries for Women

Female Hair Transplant Operations

Though many people think that baldness is a masculine disease, but according to a study done by “Mather institute for research”, women are more likely to face hair loss problems than men by up to 50%. and that’s due to hormonal changes, nervous stress and even the genetic factor plays a big role in hair loss, which actually lead to baldness for some women.

Baldness may not be common among women but it exists, therefore, many women resort to ladies hair transplant surgeries because since the first ever head hair transplant surgery , they have become one of the easy and simple surgeries especially the hairline transplant surgery, which helps women highlight their beauty again.

In the successful head hair transplant surgery, the procedure with women is the same as it is with men. Whereas the woman that wants to undergo the surgery must have completed 22 years, and a doctor’s consultation is required before doing the surgery where the doctor demands detailed medical tests before agreeing on the surgery, and in case there are any issues, they should be handled before the surgery…Read More

Eyebrows Transplant Surgery

Eyebrows or Eyelashes hair loss is considered the biggest problem that faces women, especially when the reasons behind the loss are big and numerous. The genetic factor, the psychological pressure, the immune hyperactivity
the greasy secretions of the skin and even the hormonal changes are all main factors in causing eyebrows hair loss, which makes it almost impossible to stop this problem.

Because of that, Hair transplantation centers provide eyebrows transplant surgeries, or as some people call it, eyebrows condensation surgeries, which is considered the best solution to get beautiful, and thick eyebrows. As is the case in head hear transplantation surgeries, which are the most famous in the hair transplantation world. In eyebrow transplant surgeries, follicles that are taken thoughtfully from specific areas to suit the eyebrows hair are being transplanted while taking into consideration the eyebrow’s shape and the angle from which the hair will grow in order not to look grassy. That will make the eyebrows pretty and tidy and will reduce the need to frequently visit beauty salons.


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