Everything to know about Hair treatment with minoxidil

hair treatment with minoxidil

Hair treatment with minoxidil ,Is It The Best way?

If you’re still in the early stages of your hair loss or baldness, Hair treatment with minoxidil solution can help your hair grow again and stop its loss. Minoxidil was first tested in 1960s as a medicine for high blood pressure; it was noticed that it strengthened the patient’s hair to grow.

However, it wasn’t recommended by doctors because of its side effects, yet by the late 1980s, a new composition of the Minoxidil for hair loss had been developed for treating men’s baldness followed by another treatment of the same kind for women’s hair loss.

hair treatment with minoxidil

Today it is considered by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the only topically applied medicine and clinically approved one for hair intensity, strength, and regrowth.

In addition, two and five percent liquid or foam Rogaine for men and Rogaine for women  solution is available in markets that can be used on scalp. Besides, some doctors worldwide have started using mild dose of oral Minoxidil.

hair treatment with minoxidil

It should also be noted that hair treatment with Minoxidilis useful for controlling male pattern baldness in its early stages, especially baldness that is related to family history hair loss that is mainly caused by scalp drought.

How Does Minoxidil Promote Hair Growth?

Minoxidil or ” minoksidil ” is a topical solution generic Rogaine for hair growth.  The mechanism by which Minoxidil promotes hair growth is not fully understood; however, it is a vasodilator that delivers more oxygen-rich blood to the hair bulbs in a way that helps increase the size of the hair bulbs, and guarantee stronger, more intense hair growth.

Hair treatment with minoxidil benefits and complications

hair treatment with minoxidil

When it comes to Minoxidil results or Rogaine results , dermatologists noticed a reduction in areas of baldness and hair loss on the scalp of patients who used Minoxidil by more than 60%. Moreover, Hair density began to be seen in 60-70% of them after about 2 to 3 months of treatment as hair loss decreased day by day. Besides, hair density has increased in 40-50% of patients After 6 to 8 months of the treatment.

Minoxidil for hair treatment is considered safe and its complications are limited to skin itching and redness. However, it is not recommended to use it without consulting a doctor who can determine the appropriate dose and concentration in order to avoid any drug interactions or complications in people with chronic diseases in general.

minoxidil for hair

Remember, you can consult our doctors at Healing Clinic at any time. Our medical team is ready to provide you with the best assistance. 

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