Bariatric, Roux en y Procedure, or other weight loss surgeries are distinctive types of surgeries in which several diseases can be treated with a single procedure, including diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and arthritis, or joint inflammation. These surgeries are the only proven way to lose weight permanently; therefore, the number of patients undergoing them has increased worldwide over the past ten years. In fact, the first weight-loss surgery was performed during the 1950s, and the gastric bypass or roux and y surgery, which doctors recommend today to treat patients suffering from obesity, caused a threat to people’s health then.

Things to Know about Roux en y Procedure
Gastric bypass, or roux en y operation is based on the formation of a small pocket in the upper part of the stomach; the pocket is connected directly to a portion of the small intestine making the stomach volume smaller. In some cases, the total volume of the stomach is reduced by up to 90%. Moreover, this pocket is formed in an area where the stomach tissue is less likely to stretch so that the stomach volume remains stable in the long term. Consequently, the patient feels satiety quickly when eating less food with the body absorbing fewer calories.

Gastric Bypass Surgery Consequences
After having roux n y gastric bypass procedure, the patient begins to witness the loss of a lot of kilograms, which in turn, reduces the risk of chronic obesity related diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and hepatitis, along with reducing the risk of death due to obesity by approximately 40%. However, like most surgical procedures, rny gastrik bypass has some complications according to the patient’s weight and health condition.

If you are considering having gastric bypass surgery or any other weight loss procedures but concerned about its complications, feel free to ask our doctors at Healing Clink for advice on choosing the right one with all desired results.
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