Obesity operations

Sleeve Gastrectomy Procedure and All about it

Statistics have indicated that more than one billion adults around the world are overweight, and at least 300 million people suffer from obesity which causes life-threatening diseases. On the other hand, people try to lose weight in various available ways, such as exercising and having weight loss drugs. These methods, however, do not prove beneficial to everyone. Therefore, several medical techniques must be considered to dispose of excess weight or fat deposits. Sleeve gastrectomy procedure is one of the most prominent techniques tackling obesity. The procedure was first conducted in the USA in 1988, and it has been popular due to its stunning results and relatively few complications.

Surgical Process of Sleeve Gastrectomy Procedure

Patients with obesity inquire about lap sleeve gastrectomy surgery and the methods used during performing it. They also tend to know more about the proper time of performing it while relying on some websites across the internet for answers. Despite having best answers to such concerns, accurate information in this regard will be provided as follows:

Sleeve procedure is a surgical technique aims to dispose of excess weight in a short period of time. During this procedure, an endoscope might be used creating small incisions in the abdominal area that is why it is not a complex procedure. In some cases, it cannot be performed using a laparoscope; therefore, larger incisions in the abdominal area are made for obtaining best results. In both cases, about 80% of the patient’s stomach is permanently cut and the other part of the stomach is stitched, so the size of the stomach becomes much smaller and the amount of food that the patient consumes is significantly reduced after performing the procedure.

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Results

The recovery time of the procedure varies from person to person depending on the nature of patient’s body and the technique used. Moreover, vertical sleeves symptoms gradually decrease after taking prescribed medicines. Additionally, vertical gastric sleeve is known for its great results as in reducing the feeling of hunger due to controlling the production of ghrelin hormone which is responsible for the feeling of hunger. Studies have also shown that the production of ghrelin hormone in the body decreased significantly after removing the part of the stomach responsible for its secretion in large quantities. Furthermore, the patient also feels satiated after consuming small amounts of food due to the reduction in stomach size to approximately 65% and the disposal of excess fat.

It is worth noting that if you still have some concerns about this procedure as a way to lose weight and get rid of excess fat, you need to consult our doctors, at Healing Clinic, who have performed many successful procedures of this kind due to their profound experience in surgery.

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