
Dental Operations and Everything about it

Everybody desires to have symmetrical teeth and an attractive smile; however, losing a tooth may prevent us from having such a desire, therefore, dentistry offers one of its Dental cosmetic solutions that can tackle dental issues seen in performing dental operations, such as dental implantation that replaces a lost tooth with another one and requires some other dental treatment and procedures before performing it. Dental operations that are used for dental implants will be explored in the following article.

Types of Dental Operations

Dental Bone Grafting

Bone grafting or tooth bone graft healing process is a surgical teeth operation that aims to repair or rebuild the bone of the teeth through the implantation of bone tissue that helps the treated area by re-stimulating it to build a new bone tissue that becomes a pillar during a tooth implant .i.e. replacing a lost tooth with a new one since losing a tooth can leave a space that over time leads to the atrophy of the alveolar bone that is responsible for the cohesion or adhesion of the tooth root with the gum; in this case, the patient will no longer have strong bones that would fix the tooth with the gums. Furthermore, the bone graft, which is either extracted from the patient or manufactured, is implanted during this dental bone graft healing process in place of the atrophied bone. Then, it is covered through a jawbone membrane procedure placing it between the gum and bone to give the jaw an opportunity to grow a new bone tissue naturally before implanting the new tooth.

Sinus Lift Dental Operations

When one of the premolars or upper molars is lost, the damaged area is not limited to bone atrophy, but it rather extends to expand the maxillary bone or the floor of the maxillary sinus which increases the thickness of the existing bone and increases the difficulty of implanting a premolars or a new upper molar. Moreover, premolars are seen in the front of the mouth; something that makes the issue even worse when considering aesthetic appearance.

However, maxillary sinus floor augmentation or sinus lift is the best solution to tackle this issue as a surgical procedure aims to increase the amount of bone tissue in the maxillary bone in the premolars and molars area by lifting the sinus membrane and placing the bone graft through a surgical incision using external sinus graft (Lateral Window Technique) or Osteotome Technique resulting in building a new bone on which a premolar or new molar is implanted since a dental implant depends on the bone fusion of the new tooth.

It is worth noting that we, at Healing Clinic, are ready to help you get your well-desired smile, so do not hesitate to contact us.

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