As we get older, our bodies gradually produce less collagen resulting in a reduction in skin thickness by up to 80% at the age of seventy. Skin elasticity also becomes weaker and unable to adequately support the tissues in its layers. However, tackling wrinkles and sagging skin early through non surgical face lift techniques or procedures, delays their appearance and allows people to preserve the youthfulness of their skin، HIFU lifting technique for face and neck treatment and golden threads non- surgical facelift are among the most remarkable modern non- surgical cosmetic techniques since patients don’t have to undergo general anesthesia. They also recover shortly and enjoy great aesthetic results.

Types of Non surgical face lift Operations
Gold Thread Non surgical face lift Procedure
Also known as a thread lift, it is a type of procedure in which temporary sutures are used to produce visible lift in the skin. The cosmetic surgeon suspends the patient’s facial skin aging by stitching up portions of it instead of removing its saggy or loose skin surgically. This procedure depends highly on stimulating the skin natural cologne as the human body is biologically programmed to react naturally when it senses the presence of any external substance inserted into the skin dermis. As a result, the skin is put back slightly, lifted, and tightened.

Besides, pure gold is an essential component of thread lift because it does not interact with the body which reduces the risk of an allergic reaction or chemical changes to gold under the skin.
Moreover, the recovery from thread-lifting procedure is relatively short; however, a slight pain, skin redness and swelling might be noticed after the surgery. The results of this procedure can be seen shortly afterwards with the final ones appearing within 3 months in most cases.

HIFU Face Lift
According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, HIFU facelift procedure, also known as HIFU lifting, has been highly demanded over the past few years as the best alternative to facelift surgery. This procedure uses HIFU, high intensity focused ultrasound, energy to stimulate the layers of the skin to produce natural collagen that makes the skin more cohesive and elastic, reduces wrinkles and tightens the whole face parts. HIFU facelift procedure typically takes 30 to 90 minutes.

HIFU Neck Lift
Some people may choose HIFU non-surgical neck lift procedure to tighten their neck loose skin only or lift both the face and neck. HIFU therapy for face and neck lifting is very effective and does not cause any pain. Yet, this depends on the diagnostic condition of each patient. The recovery time of non-surgical neck tightening is relatively short with the final results appearing within a week to a maximum of one month, and in some cases it can only be within a few days.

If you are looking for a quick and painless aesthetic treatment, HIFU facial treatment , HIFU non-surgical neck tightening, and gold threads lift are among the best choices for an effective non-surgical cosmetic treatments; however, considering a consultation with a professional surgeon is a must for getting satisfactory outcomes and avoiding any surgical complications. Make sure that Healing Clinic medical team, having performed a lot of these procedures successfully, are always ready to help you get your well- deserved appearance.
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