All to know about Full And Partial Dental Bridge

partial dental bridge

The consumption of snacks and sugary drinks has tripled in all parts of the world over the past 50 years; consequently, the number of people suffering from heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and oral and dental diseases increased. Tooth loss has also become more witnesses with more than two-thirds of adults between the ages of 35 and 44 missing a tooth or more according to recent statistics issued by the Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR). The foundation has also stressed the fact that severe gum disease that may lead to tooth loss has increased. However, there are many available Cosmetic dentistry solutions to replace lost or missing teeth, such as having a denture or a partial dental bridge when one or more teeth are missing.

partial dental bridge

Full and Partial Dental Bridge Installation

The installation of removable dental bridge or fixed bridge usually starts by examining the patient’s teeth and mouth completely by a specialized dentist, then an elastic mold is used to measure the size of the teeth and the dimensions between them. Later, the mold is sent to the dental laboratory specialist who in turn designs a dental bridge that fits the patient’s mouth properly. A temporary dental bridge or a front teeth bridge might be placed to protect the teeth and gums which will be replaced by a permanent bridge or fixed bridge teeth that will be placed in the patient’s mouth using medical adhesives. If the bridge fits properly and if not, subsequent visits to the dentist’s will be needed as some necessary adjustments must be made for a proper fit.

partial dental bridge

Types of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges vary according to the installation method and their materials. Dentists recommend the appropriate bridge tooth or dental bridges depending on the patient’s mouth medical condition. Moreover, dentists highly recommend their patients to choose Malo’s bridges due to their essential role in maintaining healthy gums and helping rehabilitate their soft and damaged tissues. Malo’s bridges are dental bridges that consist of a layer of composite and a layer of titanium due to its hardness and resistance to oxidation. Some other Malo’s bridges consist of a zircon layer and a titanium layer which make them good for some patients or in some particular cases.

partial dental bridge

However, some patients do not need dental bridges allowing the dentist to recommend composite dental fillings which are characterized by their ability to bridge the gaps between the teeth in addition to the restoration of dental fractures and caries. Composite fillings are often used for the front teeth because of their white color and shape resembling those of natural teeth.

Full bridge

Have an appointment at Healing Clinic and meet its dentists who have performed many successful dental treatments to have the best results without any negative complications.

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